Operation EMPOWER: Combatting Labour Exploitation in the UK Security Industry

Operation EMPOWER, led by the SIA, is stepping up to stop labour exploitation in the UK’s private security industry. Find out how you can protect your rights and report unfair practices.

Did you know? Nearly 70% of security guards are stuck at minimum wage.

Remember when getting into security was simple? A bit of training, a few checks, and you were good to go. Back then, it felt straightforward. But things have changed, and not all for the better. Today, there are stories of unfair wages, shady contracts, and workers being exploited.

Operation EMPOWER, led by the Security Industry Authority (SIA), is stepping in to fix that. Restoring fairness in the security industry and putting an end to exploitation.

You’ve likely seen it. Maybe you’ve even thought, Something isn’t right here. workers underpaid, no proper contracts, unfair hours, or even exploited due to their immigration status. 

The SIA is taking action.

What Is Operation EMPOWER?

Operation EMPOWER is a country-wide initiative by the SIA to fight labour exploitation in the private security industry. They’re working with HM Revenue and Customs and Home Office Immigration Enforcement to tackle this head-on.

Paul Fullwood, Director of Inspections and Enforcement at the SIA, says it best:

We’re confident that most private security suppliers meet high standards and provide fair working conditions, which contributes to public safety. However, we know from our intelligence and stakeholder engagement that the industry has concerns that some companies are undermining quality businesses through alleged poor practices. We’ve set up a dedicated multi-disciplinary team across the SIA, headed at director level, to address labour exploitation under the name Operation EMPOWER. This project team includes intelligence specialists and criminal investigators, as well as representatives from Individual and Business Standards, Legal, Policy, and Communications.

What Does Labour Exploitation Look Like?

Here’s how it shows up:

✅ Not being paid the National Minimum Wage

✅ Improper or missing contracts

✅ Long hours with no breaks

✅ Coercion due to immigration status

A lot of people might not even know they’re being exploited. That’s why Operation EMPOWER is also about raising awareness.

Ask yourself:

✅ Are you being paid what you’re owed?

✅ Do you have a clear contract?

✅ Are your hours fair?

If the answer is “no,” it’s time to speak up.

The Impact on Businesses

Exploiting workers might seem like an easy way to cut costs, but it destroys the industry. It’s bad for the companies that play by the rules and bad for the reputation of the industry.

As Ronnie Megaughin, Head of Compliance and Inspections at the SIA, points out:

This successful operation highlights our commitment to tackling these harmful and unlawful activities by unscrupulous individuals and businesses. For every corrupt and criminal action carried out to maximise profit, there is the strong likelihood of a victim who is being deprived of their rights. We will continue to work with industry representatives, law enforcement partners, and fellow regulatory agencies to create a hostile environment within the private security industry for these criminals. Operation EMPOWER will be a long-running and focused operation. I encourage anyone with information concerning unlawful activity within the industry to contact us.”

What Can You Do?

First off, know your rights:

✅ You’re entitled to the National Minimum Wage (or National Living Wage if you’re 21+).

✅ You should have a contract that spells out your role, pay, and conditions.

✅ If something’s wrong, report it.

Paul Fullwood explains further:

People who are being exploited can be hard to reach. They may be vulnerable due to their immigration status. They may not even realise that they’re being exploited. We want security operatives to understand what labour exploitation looks like.

That’s the first step to stopping it.

Employers Have a Role Too

Employers, this is on you as well. You’re responsible for ensuring your staff gets paid fairly and works under decent conditions. Subcontracting? That doesn’t let you off the hook. You need to make sure everyone in the chain is treated right.

If the rates look too good to be true, they probably are. Cheap security often means exploited workers.

Use trusted security job boards like GuardPass.

Remember: Every employer must pay the National Minimum Wage. No exceptions. You’re also responsible for proper contracts and contributions to taxes and national insurance.

The SIA’s Next Steps

The SIA isn’t slowing down. They’ve got more planned under Operation EMPOWER, with enforcement actions across the UK. This is a long-term effort.

What to expect:

✅ A campaign to raise awareness (you might have already seen some of this)

✅ Guidance on how to spot exploitation

✅ More collaboration between law enforcement and the industry

Keep an eye out for updates from the SIA. They’re serious about cleaning up the industry.

Why Reporting Matters

If you see something, say something. Reporting labour exploitation isn’t just about protecting yourself—it helps the entire industry. The more reports the SIA gets, the stronger the case against bad practices.

Operation EMPOWER is a long-term effort. Let’s all do our part.

Final Thoughts

Labour exploitation has no place in the UK’s private security industry. Operation EMPOWER is working to protect workers and keep things fair for businesses. The message is simple: no more shortcuts, no more exploitation.

Know your rights, know your responsibilities, and if something’s wrong, report it. We’re all in this together, and with Operation EMPOWER, we can fix this industry.