Could Your Security Firm Be Missing Out on Easy Wins?

High turnover rates are plaguing security firms, with some resetting their workforce every year. This blog explores effective strategies to improve efficiency and employee retention, including competitive wages, flexible scheduling, training, and recognition.

Can you believe security firms are facing extremely high 100% turnover in a year? That means they are basically resetting their workforce every year! 

Running a security firm is no small feat. You’re managing tight schedules, maintaining client relationships, and juggling the constant demands of hiring qualified security officers. But your security firm could be running smoother. Sound familiar? 

Let’s explore easy ways to improve efficiency and keep your team around longer.

Are You Paying Enough Attention to Wages?

Let’s be real here folks—money talks. If you’re not offering competitive wages, chances are, your officers are already looking for the next opportunity. Low pay is one of the biggest reasons for high turnover in the UK security industry. 

A lot of security guards are earning £9.50 per hour, the current National Living Wage for those 23 and older. Despite some bumps in recent years, it’s still not enough to attract or keep talent when other industries are offering more (source).

Stop the hiring merry-go-round by paying attention to what others are offering. Keep your wages competitive, sure, but don’t forget about benefits. Add health insurance or commuting help, and your team will appreciate it—and stay longer.

Need to know more about fair pay in the security sector? Watch here.

Is Your Scheduling Turning Employees Away?

The grind of long, unpredictable hours is a major reason why security officers jump ship. If your schedules are inflexible, you’re making their lives harder. Gold scheduling can be an easy win.

A recent survey found that unsociable hours and lack of flexibility are pushing people away. Many security workers say this is why they leave, craving better work-life balance and more stable schedules. 

💡Tip: Want happier staff? Offer shifts that work for their lifestyle. Shorter hours for family needs or closer locations to reduce travel time can make all the difference.

Training: More Than Just a Box to Tick

Think about this: Are your officers stuck in the same routine, day after day? Offering training and certifications can give them hope for the future. When employees see they can grow, they’ll be more likely to stay, which means less turnover for you.

💡Insight: Engagement is key. Businesses with engaged teams see a 23% increase in profitability. So, it’s clear: investing in growth opportunities pays off in more ways than one.

Recognition Goes a Long Way

When was the last time you gave a shout out to a top-performing officer? It’s easy to overlook, but recognition counts. Engaged workers don’t leave easily—they’re 87% less likely to jump ship. Recognition doesn’t just keep them happy; it also raises customer ratings by 10%. Happy team, happy clients! (source)

A little praise—public or a bonus—can build loyalty and save you from constant hiring.

Supporting Mental and Physical Health

Security work can take a toll, and burnout is real. Simple things like counselling or wellness programs can help. It shows you care and keeps them ready for the job.

A worrying number of security officers—over a third, are reporting high stress, with many also struggling with anxiety and depression. This highlights a mental health crisis in the sector, and it’s clear that measures like counselling and wellness programs are more important than ever (source).

Learn more about how to support your team’s mental well-being here.

Are You Leveraging Technology?

Let’s talk about security technology for private firms. Are you using it to your advantage? Tools like security workforce management systems can streamline operations and reduce the burden on your officers. 

These systems can help with scheduling, logging incidents, and tracking performance in real time. Not only does this boost security firm efficiency, but it also reduces errors that come with manual processes.

Opportunities for Advancement

Most officers want to move beyond front-line work. Offering a clear path for career growth is one of the simplest improvements you can make. Whether through promotion or leadership programs, it keeps them motivated and lowers turnover.​

According to the BSIA, the expansion of security management jobs has upped the need for training. More security managers are being hired and are undergoing ongoing development. This is great for those just starting out. A solid career path keeps people around since they see how they can advance.

Client Satisfaction Starts With Your Team

Here’s a tip—happy employees lead to happy clients. When your staff feels supported, it shows in everything they do.​ Simple tweaks—better schedules, fair pay, and a pat on the back—can go a long way. These changes don’t just help your staff; they make your clients happier too. After all, happy employees equal satisfied clients. It’s a win-win.

Final Thoughts

Running a security firm is tough, no doubt. But there are easy wins if you know where to look. Focus on fair wages, better schedules, and ongoing training. You’ll see fewer staff leaving and better service all around. A supported team means happier clients. And that boosts your bottom line. 

Ready to make a change? Start small today. Watch your firm thrive with just a few tweaks.