Lights, Camera, Action: How Body Cams Are Revolutionising Security

Curious about how to make your security team’s job safer and more transparent? Body-worn cameras (BWCs) are revolutionising the UK’s private security industry by providing essential tools for safety, transparency, and trust. Find out why these cameras are a game-changer for security employers and how to choose the right system for your team.

Lights, Camera, Action: How Body Cams Are Revolutionising Security

Here’s a question: how to make your security tema’s job safer and more transparent? Well, look no further than body-worn cameras (BWCs). They’re pretty awesome and super useful for your security team. 

Let’s chat about why you might want to get some for your crew.

Why Body-Worn Cameras Matter for your Security Team

Stay Safe, Stay Calm

Let’s start with safety—body cams are a big win for your frontline team. They help cool down heated situations. Knowing they’re being recorded makes people think twice about acting out. This means less stress and fewer dangerous scenarios for your security team. For example, there are over 20,000 assaults on police officers in the UK every year. Body cameras help reduce these risks by adding a layer of accountability and safety (source).

Catch It All, Big and Small

Caught in a he-said-she-said scenario? Security body cameras are the solution you need.They record clear, unbiased evidence that supports your team, enhances training, and stands up in court. Think of them as your always-present, impartial witness.

Trust and Dust

Trust matters in security. Body-worn cameras show you mean business when it comes to transparency. They keep a clear record of what goes down, lowering complaints and raising public confidence. When people see you’re open about your methods, they feel more secure.

Rules Rule

BWCs are like silent supervisors.These cameras remind everyone to follow the rules, improving compliance. Less misconduct happens when people know they’re being recorded. It’s all about accountability folks.

Choosing the Right Equipment

Pick and Click: What to Look for in Security Body Cameras

Not all Security body cameras are the same. Here’s what you need to look for:

✅ The Camera: Your main tool. It should be tough and reliable. Look for good resolution and battery life like Boblov WA7-D .

✅ Docking Stations: For recharging and downloading data. Automated systems save time and cut errors.

✅ DEMS (Digital Evidence Management Software): Where you store and manage your footage. Secure and user-friendly is the way to go.

✅ Storage Solutions: Local, cloud, or hybrid, make sure it’s secure and scalable. It needs to comply with all regulations.

✅ Field of View (FOV): A wide FOV, like 160 degrees in some of the fancy models, lets you see more. It really helps with situational awareness.

✅ Battery Life: Long battery life is a lifesaver. Some cameras even have swappable batteries for those marathon shifts.

✅ Durability: Body-worn cameras need to be tough. Look for ones that can handle water and dust without a problem.

✅ Audio Quality: You need clear audio. Features like noise cancellation and dynamic range adjustment are game-changers.

✅ Ease of Use: A simple interface and quick access to footage are super important. You need to act fast in critical moments.

✅ Connectivity: Wireless features like Wi-Fi or Bluetooth make things so much easier. They help you connect with systems like CAD and RMS smoothly.

And always make sure your BWCs comply with all relevant laws, including DPA and GDPR. Imported cameras can be risky. Always choose certified products with secure software.

The Bigger Picture

Security body cameras are more than just cameras. They’re part of a bigger system for safety and transparency. Train your team on using them and understanding the data. Regular training and updates are key.

Not Just a Camera

Choose a supplier with a good track record. You want someone who knows the security industry inside out. Reliable customer support can save you a lot of headaches down the line. It’s not just about buying the equipment; it’s about the ongoing support and updates.

Cost vs. Value

We all know budgets are tight, but don’t just go for the cheapest option. Consider the long-term value. A good security body camera system might cost more upfront, but it will save you money by reducing incidents and complaints. Plus, your image as a reliable and professional outfit gets a major upgrade.

Future-Proof Your Security

Technology is always evolving. Make sure your BWC system can adapt. Look for scalable solutions that can grow with your needs. Keep an eye on new features like facial recognition or integration with other security systems.

So, what are you waiting for? Equip your team with body-worn cameras and step into the future of security. Your team will thank you, and so will your clients. And if you’re looking to expand your team or find the perfect role, check out the latest security jobs available right now. Let’s make security smarter, safer, and more transparent.

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes