Over 300,000 SIA-licensed
security officers registered
The only platform you need for hiring security workers. With the largest SIA worker database, video profiles, real-time chat and a powerful applicant tracking system, it’s hard to compare us with others.
Hiring in the security industry has its own challenges...
There is a shortage of quality security workers in the UK. Your jobs aren’t getting noticed by the right people.
You post a job and relevant applicants roll in from 100 miles away from the job site. SIA licence? Nope.
Aah! Just when you have the right candidate, you get ghosted because they aren’t available anymore.
We’ve built a huge volume of SIA verified workers to choose from.
Make better hiring decisions by reviewing video profiles.
Filter out irrelevant candidates with location based hiring.
Simplify every step and action you’ve been taking to hire with...
Manage and track hiring in
one place
Post jobs quickly with ready-
made templates
Create standout job ads that
showcase your brand
Instantly check candidates'
SIA licences for compliance
Chat instantly with candidates
to speed up hiring
Quickly filter top candidates
with smart questions
Work together seamlessly to
review and hire
Get instant support for all
your hiring needs
Start with a job template or
create a new post from
Applicants apply using our
mobile app. Review profiles
and sort them with the
applicant tracking system.
Chat with applicants you like.
Get read receipts, online or
last seen status. You can
even exchange files.
Found the right fit? Send
them your offer and start the
BS7858 vetting process if
We posted the same job on other platforms. Here are the results...
Don’t take our word for it. Smash the play button...
Arrange a demo with our team to see how guardhire can help you
hire faster than ever beforeSince using GuardPass I have found them helpful and innovative. Unlike other platforms their customer service is amazing with weekly calls to see if they can improve and to offer advice. Their dashboard is user-friendly, and their support team is always available. By far the most cost-effective platform for seeking security personnel.
Andy Bannon
Managing Director
We started working with GuardPass in October 2023 to advertise our Guarding positions because we found that we weren't getting the quality or volume we needed from Indeed. The video introductions from Guards make our sourcing process so much easier as we can assess if we think the candidate is going to be the right fit for the role before we interview. In addition, their new vetting service, GuardCheck, has also been an incredible addition to their security one-stop-shop service; they were even able to provide a full BS7858 vetting check in just under 24 hours, which is incredible and really helped us with our urgent staffing needs. And a big thanks to Will Cooper who goes above and beyond to make sure both our GuardPass and GuardCheck accounts run smoothly.
Alfie Rains
HR Manager
Guard pass in its short time being used at our company has helped with the quality of candidate that we are receiving. all who we have interviewed so far have been hired.
George Ross
Security Contract Manager